Renters Only


Your bridge to homeownership

Download a PDF flier for Renters

You have arrived here because you received an email message with security instructions on how to access your Org913-T-MBA® ("ORG") account.  Kindly follow these instructions. 

Also, be sure to download your Renters PDF file just in case you wish to share the good news with someone you know who rents his or her home or apartment. 

Here's a brief visual guide on what to expect during your first "ORG" login.

Your "ORG" account looks like a large spreadsheet with more than 400 fields of data.  A small portion is shown below.

 You'll find your "ORG" account information in one of the 31 rows. 
Just scroll down the rows, looking for "Edit" in the Operations column (to the left of Column 1).

 Each member can see what any other member is doing in regards to the team objective at hand.  This transparency is essential for member collaboration.

Your LoTeLEO® Housing Reservation

The date when your Org913-T-MBA® credentials are emailed to you becomes your LoTeLEO® Housing Reservation Date. 

To determine your maximum home purchase amount, plug the amount of your monthly rent payment into the following formula:

   Home Purchase Value = Monthly Rent divided by 0.0412

   Enter the result of this calculation into your "ORG" account.

Navigating your "ORG" account

How do you explore information that is densely packed into over 400 fields?  Find what you're looking for from the Column Headers and scroll down to the Row you want.  Then move the arrow of your computer mouse to hover over your target field.  A small text box displaying the complete information pops up. 

For instance, "Task Force SOM Leader 02" pops up when the mouse pointer hovers over the "Task For..." field.

Coordinating with your team members

Your "ORG" account is connected with 30 other "ORG" accounts on the Org913-T-MBA® Platform.  When you update your task assignment in Column 5, everyone sees your new assignment.  When your Team Leader updates the Team Objective, every member sees the new objective.

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