
Reserve Your Position Today

Free Reservation for Indian EB-5 Candidates who join the ₹115-389 Lakh Startup Funding discussion group on Linkedin

Navigation Tip:   As soon as you click on the Sign Up button, you are taken to another page to help you respond to a Verification Request from us.

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If you wish to participate in the USA EB-5 Visa project, click on the EB-5 Candidate   button.  97% of the $900,000 investment is financed.  Reservees qualify.  Make sure that your entered name and PIN code are an exact match with your Aadhaar Card.

If you're ONLY interested in buying a home with the LoTeLEO® license, then click on the button for the LoTeLEO®   Reservation for Renters.

If you wish to gain valuable SOMe experience with game-changing projects, then click on the button for the $45K-$100K/yr Project Management Gig.

  • Project managers, PR experts and other professionals get a $45K-100K/yr "Gig" Contract to bring the LoTeLEO® license (a 4% or less fixed-rate 30-year standard) and Equity Score® to markets in the USA first, then in India and Ghana.

To EB-5 Candidates:

Your one-click choice puts you in line for all the benefits.  Your reservation is completed as long as you respond to the verification request which is sent to your email address.  Reservations for EB-5 Candidates are free.  Click here if you wish to learn more about our EB-5 Project for you.

After you sign-up, kindly respond to the following:

  • a verification request, allowing the natural exchange of information to verify that you are human with an email address;



  • a single $9.99 payment request for your reservation (payment request is only for US-based reservees in LoTeLEO® or Project Management Gig queue). 

Our Newsletter discusses the following topics:

  1. a "Double-Punch" approach to end inflation,
  2. Equity Score® and the LoTeLEO® mortgage license,
  3. "Gig" contracts, and
  4. more earned value for your savings account. 

We are not stock brokers, mortgage brokers, accountants, investment advisors, or lawyers.  Information about our LoTeLEO® license or the EB-5 project helps you formulate your personal investment decisions regarding a home ownership opportunity or a USA Green Card opportunity that creates jobs for US residents in a promising EB-5 project.

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