89 Days

89-day Countdown

We will reset the countdown clock on our Home Page to 89 days as soon as we have a critical mass of Project Managers (PMs).  The PMs are handling the logistics of building public awareness and managing projects.  Examples of these projects are
(i)   LoTeLEO® license distribution,
(ii)  EB-5 Investor funding for Veggie Green Express®, and
(iii) hiring & management operations for Veggie Green Express®.

While we attract 31 teams of PMs for critical mass, we invite you to sign up so that you can tap into the $18 million value caused by the $46K average personal spending in the USA.  Select the option LoTeLEO® Reservation for Renters and enter your name, email address, and ZIP code.  There is a one-time $9.99 fee. 

Save up an amount equal to just a month's rent payment.  When the 89-day countdown ends, you will use what you have saved as the down-payment for homeownership.  Other opportunities with Veggie Green Express® will open up for you at the same time. 

LoTeLEO® License  

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